Now is a good time to pay attention to the following:
Mark cows that must not be rebred:
cows that calved last in the calving season calf (they are most likely not going to conceive in the coming breeding season)
cows that do not have a good constitution (poor condition, hair coat not smooth yet etc.)
cows that had difficult births (pelvis too narrow?) and possibly suffered uterine damage
cows that developed udder/teat problems
cows that showed poor maternal qualities during calving
cows whose teeth is no longer in a good enough condition
Cows that had retained afterbirth need to be investigated for vaginal discharge/uterine infection and treated early
Replacement heifers - as heifers that calve for the first time take longer to get back into cycle after first calving (80-100 days), it is recommended that heifers must be put to the bulls at least a month before the cows. This gives them a better chance of recovery after calving to ensure a better conception.