Have you ever considered the impact Multimin might have on animals facing a disease challenge? While Multimin's benefits for weaner calf immunity and vaccine response are well known, its potential to improve disease resistance in newly received beef cattle remains an area of inquiry.
Researchers from the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University conducted a trial to evaluate how injectable trace mineral supplements affect bacterial infections in cattle. This research is part of ongoing studies into injectable trace mineral nutrition.
The study was led by Stephanie Hansen, a Professor in the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University.
An Iowa native, she earned her B.S. from Iowa State and her M.S. and Ph.D. from North Carolina State University. With over 100 peer-reviewed publications and over 11 million dollars in funding as Co-PI or P.I., she has established an original and impactful beef cattle research program. A major focus of her program is the refinement of mineral requirements for feedlot cattle.
The study concluded that Multimin administration both prior to (at or close to induction) and during treatment for a bacterial infection supported the immune response and improved the outcome of a BRD infection in receiving calves.
During the webinar, Prof Hansen also discussed some earlier trial work (Hartman et al, 2018) conducted with Multimin, showing how trace mineral status is improved when comparing injection, organic and inorganic trace minerals. Multimin improved trace mineral status most rapidly, which is crucial when the animal needs a boost of trace minerals during critical times, such as precalving, prebreeding, weaning, feedlot induction etc. The study also showed the effect of a blend of organic and inorganic trace minerals, improving trace mineral status of animals more rapidly compared to inorganic trace minerals alone. Both the blend and inorganic trace minerals were supplemented at 150% of NRC requirements.
This supports the use of Multimin at strategic times - remember that Multimin is not intended to replace daily oral trace minerals. It supports an existing well designed oral feed program that follows NRC requirements.