Health Care

Score3.5 (13 Votes)

Beef Cattle Health Program : Birth to weaning



Vaccines Internal parasites External parasites Trace minerals / Vitamins

Week 1



Treat as needed: Amipor (pour-on) and/or Multidip (dip & spray) and/or Virbamec LA (inject) and/or Eliminate (pour-on) (Do not treat too early as to stimulate development of immunity against tick-borne diseases - except for Brown Ear Tick that requires immediate treatment)


3 months


Roundworm & Tapeworm: Prodose Blue or Virbamax First Drench Roundworm, Tapeworm & Liver Fluke: Flukazole C Injectable: Multimin Se, Cu, Cr or Oral: OptiLumen Neo

4-8 months

Brucellosis (Contagious abortion) - only heifer calves S19 (no later than 8 months and do not repeat!) or RB51 - -

6 months

Black Qtr/Botulism/Anthrax 3-in1 vaccine or seperate vaccines* - -

7 months (before/at weaning)

Black Quarter / Botulism - booster 2-in-1 or seperate vaccines* Roundworm: Virbamec LA or Eliminate Roundworm & Liver Fluke: Flukazole C or Virbamec L Injectable: Multimin Se, Cu, Cr + ProVit A
Discuss inclusion, timing and product with your local veterinarian Tick-borne diseases: Heartwater blood (< 3 weeks) Redwater blood (6 months) Anaplasmosis blood (6 months) BRD (bovine respiratory disease): BVD/IBR/Pi3/BRSV plus Pasteurella/Mannheimia Other Viral Diseases: Rift Valley Fever Lumpy Skin Disease 3-Day-Stiffness Other: *Multi-clostridial vaccine *Multi-clostridial/Pasteurella combo E coli Salmonella (paratifus) Pink-eye