Triflumuron 2,5 % m/v
DIRECTIONS FOR USE - Use only as directed
- All sheep and/or goats in the flock should be treated.
- Animals should be treated dry.
- Apply Trigger Strike with an applicator with a wide band width.
- Trigger Strike contains a blue dye to identify treated animals. This dye can be removed by scouring the wool.
- Moderate rainfall, even within 4 days of treatment will not reduce the efficacy of the product.
- When animals have been dipped with Pro-Dip Cyp 20% (Reg. No. G2311), then treatment with Trigger Strike can be applied from 24 hours of dipping.
Lice Control
- Apply Trigger Strike once on sheep and goats from shear up to 7 days after shearing.
- When shearing ewes with lambs and kids at foot (up to 2 months of age) - shear and treat the ewes and treat the unshorn lambs and kids at the same time.
- Trigger Strike is not a knockdown insecticide; it is an insect growth regulator (IGR). It prevents the development of immature lice present in the fleece at application and those that hatch from eggs in the following 20 weeks.
- Trigger Strike produces a rapid decline in lice numbers with all adult lice dying by 14 weeks.
- Please note that for effective lice control, good management practices, including biosecurity, should be in place.
- Treated animals should not be mixed with lice-free sheep or goats for at least 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, adult lice on treated animals cannot infect clean sheep or goats.
Blowfly Control
- For long term blowfly strike control in sheep apply Trigger Strike, from shear, up to 3 months aer shearing prior to the expected period of blowfly strike challenge.
- For blowfly control Trigger Strike is an IGR which kills fly larvae by interfering with the moulting process.
Small strikes may develop but these are self-limiting and do not require treatment as the fly larvae will die following contact with the insecticide. Protection is obtained for up to 8 weeks, with protection for 13 weeks in some cases.
Dose rates are to be based on the heaviest animal in the flock. Animals should be weighed.
Lice ControlTreatment
Body mass
Fly Control Treatment
10 ml
Up to 10 kg
2 x 5 ml
12 ml
10,1 - 20 kg
2 x 6 ml
15 ml
20,1 - 30 kg
2 x 7,5 ml
20 ml
30,1 - 55 kg
2 x 10 ml
25 ml
55,1 - 75 kg
2 x 12,5 ml
5 ml / 10 kg
Over 75 kg
2 x 2,5 ml / 10 kg
Application for lice control
Apply a single strip down the middle of the back between the poll and the base of the tail using an applicator with a wide band width.
Application for blowfly control
Apply half the dose in a single strip from the poll to the base of the tail and half the dose in a second stroke
around the crutch and tail area using a suitable applicator.
Clean out the applicator using vegetable oil, dismantle to wipe clean, re-oil with vegetable oil and assemble.
Do not rinse the applicator equipment in water.
- Do not slaughter animals for human consumption within 60 days of last treatment.
- Do not use on sheep and goats, which are producing or may in future produce milk or milk products for human consumption.
- Do not use on sheep and goats, which have not been cleanly shorn for any reason to prevent lumpy wool (mycotic dermatitis).
- Do not treat unshorn lambs or kids older than 2 months of age.
- Do not mix treated sheep and goats with lice free animals until 4 weeks aer treatment.
- Ensure that, where possible, the time between dipping of sheep and subsequent shearing is at least 2 months for all products other than those used for spot treatment of blowfly strike. For advice on your dipping programme, consult a veterinarian.
- Keep out of reach of uninformed persons, children and animals.
- Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.
- Use butyl rubber gloves and wash after use.
- Handle with care. Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. If swallowed, consult a doctor.
- If splashed in eyes, wash out immediately.
- Wash hands immediately after use and wash contaminated clothing at the end of each day’s use.
- Trigger Strike can be detrimental to certain plastics, paints and surface finishes. Avoid contact with such surfaces.
- Do not contaminate dams, drains, ponds, rivers and other waterways with this product or used containers.
- Do not re-use containers for any other purpose
10 L polyethylene bottles
Store at room temperature below 30 °C..
(Reg. No. 1990/003743/07)
Private Bag X115
Halfway House
South Africa
Tel: +27 12 657-6000
South Africa: G4043 (Act 36/1947)
Namibia Reg. No: N-FF 2114
Zambia Reg. No: 359/743VL GS
Download Trigger strike Package Insert