Health Care

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Preparation for the lambing season is a very important phase. It is of the utmost importance that the ewe is correctly "prepared" for lambing, so that she can give birth to a healthy and vigorous lamb or lambs, that the lambs can survive (colostrum & immunity) and that the ewes can raise their lambs well (milk production) up to weaning.

In addition, it is important to remember that what happens to the ewe in late pregnancy and lambing, will have a direct influence on the ewe's reproduction success in the next mating season! Many of the aspects discussed in this phase cannot be corrected later (after lambing), or will not have the same impact if done later.
Please remember that there are many aspects that play a role in ensuring success. Looking at the diagram, we can see that there are many interactions that can affect the degree of success (profitability). Remember the saying that says: "a chain is only as strong as the weakest link", applies here too!

As we can see from the diagram, PROFITABILITY is driven by OUTPUT (kg meat/wool/hair sold), times the PRICE the output is sold for, minus the COST of producing the output. Most of the time we can’t influence the price that we get, but we can influence to a greater extent the output. Costs can also be managed, but we must not fall into the trap of saving on costs to such an extent, that it has a negative effect on reproduction and production! Therefore it is important that if we spend, we must get maximum return!



OUTPUT is driven by Reproduction (number of lambs born per ewes mated) + Production (growth of lambs/kids, as well as wool/hair produced), less Mortalities. Most mortalities occur from birth to weaning. Management of ewes in late pregnancy and during lambing is critical for lamb survival.

Management has an over riding effect on all the main headings.  Therefore it is so important to plan and execute a proper and complete management program, based on your specific needs and circumstances. Sometimes we focus so much on the use of technology to improve reproduction and production or looking at “fancy points”, that we neglect the “basics”. Without the basics, we would not be able to reap the full benefits that the use of technology can offer!

Each production phase will be discussed on the basis of the following aspects: nutrition/condition, (breeding soundness - where applicable), vaccination, trace mineral supplementation, parasite control and some general management aspects. 

The effectiveness of the “program approach” that focus on production phases, will be enhanced if applied in conjunction with a fixed breeding season(s). Without a fixed breeding season it becomes very difficult to perform “precision” farming in it’s simplest form - doing the right things at the right time!

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