Ticks, Lice & Flies

Pro-Dip™ Cyp 20 %

Dip for Cattle and Sheep for Plunge Dips, Spray Races and Hand Spraying. Controls ticks, biting and sucking lice in cattle and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies. Controls Karoo paralysis ticks and sheep scab mite in sheep. Prevents blowfly strike in sheep

  • Cattle
  • Sheep
  • Spray





COMPOSITION:  Cypermethrin 20 % m/v

DIRECTIONS FOR USE - Use only as directed.
For external use only.

Shake well before use. Protect from extremes of heat and cold.
Premixing: Add a measured volume of concentrate to double that volume of water (while stirring) to produce a creamy emulsion. Then add this premix to the bulk of the water in the diptank or spray race sump. Agitate to achieve thorough mixing of the dipwash.

Dipping: It is good management to dip calves under 3 months separately from larger animals and preferably after the main herd.

Plunge dipping:

  • Fresh fill (charge) 1:1 000 (1 litre to 1 000 litres water)
  • Replenish  1:1 000 (1 litre to 1 000 litres water)

Spray races:

  • Fresh fill (charge)  1:1 000 (1 litre to 1 000 litres water)
  • Replenish 1:800 (1 litre to 800 litres water)


Dip dilutions for sheep: Same as for cattle.

Plunge dipping:

  • Fresh fill (charge)    1:1 000 (1 litre to 1 000 litres water)
  • Replenish        1:1 000 (1 litre to 1 000 litres water)

Two dippings 9 days apart at a dilution rate of 1:1 000 will control sheep-scab mite (Psoroptes ovis).

Prevention of blowfly strike (myiasis).

  • Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % at a dilution rate of 1:1 000 (200 ppm cypermethrin) will provide up to a 4 week period of protection against blowfly strike (Lucilia cuprina).
  • Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % is not recommended as a curative remedy for blowfly strike.

NB. The use of cattle dip tanks for sheep may cause post-dipping lameness. 
To prevent post-dipping lameness, zinc sulphate must be added to the dipwash at 400 g per 1 000 litres of water.

Sheep scab is a notifiable disease and treatment of suspected or confirmed outbreaks must be under government supervision.
Namibia: Even though this remedy is registered in South Africa for only one treatment, the law in Namibia stipulates that two treatments, 7 – 10 days apart, are obligatory in the event of a sheep scab outbreak.

Note: It is good spray race practice not to carry dipwash over from one spraying to the next and preferably only make up sufficient wash for each spraying (± 3 litres per head plus an amount for the pump system).

Prepare about 5 – 10 litres dipwash per head at 1:1 000 (10 ml in 10 L water). 
Thoroughly wet the animal by spraying from below upwards so that the hair is lifted by the spray. 
Concentrate on the ears, under the tail and in the brush of the tail.

Dipping intervals:

Ticks, lice and screw-worms:  
When Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % is first used, it is recommended that heavily infested cattle be dipped weekly for two to three weeks until free of ticks. 
Fortnightly dipping thereafter may be followed except in cases of severe brown ear tick infestations when weekly dipping may be desirable. 
It is recommended that fortnightly dipping be carried out throughout the year, including the winter season.

Nuisance and biting flies: 
The regular dipping of cattle as indicated for tick control above, will aid in the control of nuisance- and biting flies. Specifically, for fly control, however, weekly dipping or spraying for a period of 3 weeks should be applied. Thereafter this procedure should be repeated as necessary.


  • No withdrawal period for meat and milk usage.
  • Handle with care. Poisonous by contact, swallowing and inhalation.
  • Store away from food and feed.
  • Toxic to bees, other insects and fish.
  • Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
  • Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof  may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.


  • Avoid contact with the concentrate. Wash immediately with soap and water after accidental skin contamination.
  • Remove and wash contaminated clothing.
  • Avoid prolonged contact with dipwash or inhalation of spray mist.
  • Wear protective clothing and equipment in line with Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993).
  • Dispose of empty containers in accordance with the Environmental Waste Management Act (Act 59 of 2008).
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while or after mixing and handling concentrate, dipwash or spray mix, before washing hands and face thoroughly.
  • Prevent contamination of food, food utensils, grazing, drinking water, rivers, dams, etc.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after use.
  • Do not contaminate rivers, dams and water sources.
  • Correct dipping with this product may in time give rise to very low tick infestations. 

This could adversely affect immunity to tick-borne diseases, especially in young stock. This may be undesirable if animals are later subjected to tick infestations. It is therefore advisable that animals be immunised against tick-borne diseases. If this is not possible, then young stock under 4 weeks should not be dipped unless tick infestation is excessive.

First aid and antidote:
Should accidental poisoning or contact occur, wash well with soap and water.  Induce vomiting when swallowed.

Note to practitioner: Treat symptomatically. 



Cattle Dip


  • AMIDIP MAX (G3767):   Amitraz 25 % m/v
  • PRO-DIP CYP 20 % (G2311):   Cypermethrin 20 % m/v

The combination of Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % (G2311) and Amidip Max (G3767) is effective in the control of ticks.

A combination of Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % (G2311) and Amidip Max (G3767) can be used in the spray race. 
Mix 1 L of each product and add to 2 000 L water. 
The mixture should be prepared immediately before use. 
The dip remaining after treatment must be used within 24 hours and any remaining dip discarded.


  • Do not slaughter animals for human consumption within 7 days of last treatment.
  • In case of poisoning, call a doctor and make this label available to him.

While the safety and stability of an in-use combination of Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % (G2311) and Amidip Max (G3767) has been established, Pro-Dip Cyp 20 % should not be mixed with any other dip.


PRESENTATION: 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml,1 L, 2,5 L, 5 L, 10 L and 20 L HDPE (High Density polyethylene) bottles.

Store below 30 °C.
Protect from heat and cold and from dampness. 
Must be used within 24 hours.




(Reg No. 1990/003743/07)

Private Bag X115

Halfway House


South Africa

Tel: +27 12 657 6000



South Africa Reg. No. G2311 (Act 36/1947)

Namibia Reg. No: V04/18.3.4/119  NS0

Botswana Reg. No: W130658

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