

Controls Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms and Tapeworms in dogs and cats.

  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Tablet


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Praziquantel (isoqinoline) 50,0 mg/tablet

Fenbendazole (benzimidazole) 500,0 mg/tablet


DIRECTIONS FOR USE - Use only as directed:

Zantel tablets are administered orally either directly or mixed with a portion of meat or sausage or mixed with the daily diet. Dietary measures or fasting are not necessary.


Routine Treatment of Adult Dogs
Zantel should be administered as a single treatment at a dose rate of 5 mg praziquantel and 50 mg fenbendazole per kg bodymass (equivalent to 1 tablet per 10 kg):


Small dogs and puppies over 6 months of age:

0,5 to 2,5 kg bodymass 1⁄4 tablet

2,6 to 5 kg bodymass 1⁄2 tablet

6 to 10 kg bodymass 1 tablet


Medium sized dogs

11 to 15 kg bodymass 1  1⁄2 tablets

16 to 20 kg bodymass 2 tablets

21 to 25 kg bodymass 2 1⁄2 tablets

26 to 30 kg bodymass 3 tablets


Large dogs

31 to 35 kg bodymass 3 1⁄2 tablets

36 to 40 kg bodymass 4 tablets


Routine Treatment of Adult Cats

Zantel should be administered as a single treatment at a dose rate of 5 mg praziquantel and 50 mg fenbendazole per kg bodymass (equivalent to 1⁄2 tablet per 5 kg):

0,5 to 2,5 kg bodymass 1⁄4 tablet

2,6 to 5 kg bodymass 1⁄2 tablet


For routine control adult dogs and cats should be treated once every 3 Months.

Weaned Puppies and Kittens under 6 months of age Zantel should be administered as a single treatment at a dose rate of 5 mg praziquantel and 50 mg fenbendazole per kg bodymass (equivalent to 1⁄2 tablet per 5 kg). Treatment should be repeated on three consecutive days.

For the control of Toxocara, it is important to deworm young puppies regularly with Zantel at 2 weekly intervals from the age of 2 weeks and for pups less than 12 weeks of age. It is then recommended that Zantel be administered at intervals of 3 months.
Nursing bitches should be treated at the same time and as frequently as the puppies up to 12 weeks of age. Thereafter the adult deworming regime of once every 3 months is recommended.


Increased Dosing for Specific Infections
For the treatment of Clinical worm infestations in adult dogs administer Zantel at the dose rate of 5 mg praziquantel and 50 mg fenbendazole per kg bodymass daily for two consecutive days (equivalent to 1 tablet per 10 kg for 2 days).
For the treatment of Clinical worm infestations in adult cats administer Zantel at the dose rate of 5 mg praziquantel and 50 mg fenbendazole per kg body mass daily for three consecutive days (equivalent to 1⁄2 tablet per 5 kg for 3 days).


Highly effective against ascarid (Toxocara canis, Toxoscaris leonina), hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum), tapeworms (Dipylidium caninumEchinococcus spp, Taenia hydatigena). Effective against whipworm (Trichuris vulpis).



  • Keep out of the reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
  • Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.



  • Do not exceed the stated dose when treating pregnant bitches and queens.
  • Safe for use in lactating animals


Store in a cool dry place


Burke Animal Health (Pty) Ltd. Co (Reg. No. 1996/000721/07)
Unit 20, Sunclare Building , 3rd Floor, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708, South Africa 
Tel. No.: +27 (0) 21 671 5806.
03/22 CI3217-16032018 LA21808



South Africa Reg. No. G3139 (Act 36/1947)

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